What I Do....

What I do 


I left my museum career to focus on private clients.  I worked regularly for the institutions I represented to facilitate loans from private lenders, galleries, and museums. I also managed collections ranging in the tens of thousands.  I recognized a need for private collectors, that had collections ranging in all sizes, to facilitate paperwork, care for their objects, and maintain a database for their personal needs.  Locally and regionally I manage small collections with regular cleaning and maintenance and address any environmental changes—helping to regulate and recommend best care for their objects in your home.  I also handle in-home install packing and shipping of art work.  I have built relationships with many of the fine art shipping companies, and can courier or manage shipment from destination to arrival.  I manage teams to meet deadlines, for collection of objects at your home, the crate building process and shipping, and proper installation of work in each institution that requested the loan. I regularly condition report objects in every stage of ownership, from pieces collector’s have had in their collection for years to new additions.  Recording object condition helps to track any changes that may possibly be happening to the object and from a preventative perspective. I can recommend the conservation measures necessary.  There is much that goes into loaning an object and most collectors are very busy and may not have the time to address document and record all the paperwork that is involved in a standard institutional loan.  I take on that responsibility for my clients and keep the process organized and easily accessible.